Education Workshop/App
Dice is a workshop app that aims to reveal college level art students to different majors/disciplines in the art field in order to nurture more organic and unique ways of thinking.
How can we restructure creative processes to pave the way to more organic work?
Expose yourself to different processes of art education.
Time to Roll
For the workshop, students will use the DICE app for the full semester. Start with "rolling" to reveal what different major a student will study for the week and what partner they will be paired with during that time learning and exploring.
Setting Up
Each Student starts their class journey by setting up their profile with the DICE app. First order of business is identifying what major the student is, and then learning and expanding from there.
The assignments page is where students can access information and shortcuts to other useful pages regarding the week's work. Shortcuts to map addresses, homework gallery, questionnaires, all through the app.
Record and Reflect
With their partners, students visit their assigned studios and go through the motions of artists from different disciplines. They record their day through pictures and answering questionnaires, all through the app’s unique user interface.
With each earned partner glyph, from student's weekly studio visits, their personal DICE signature grows. The tree signature is a visual representation of a student's unique journey through this workshop. This map is made up of the partner glyphs and the information of that week can be accessed anytime.
Path Linking
You can even link up signatures with other students, to not only see their unique paths, but also see how each other’s learning has intertwined. To see what paths have been shared together and discussing different perspectives on them.
Class Signature
All student's personal trees will be combined at the end of the semester to make a class signature that represents the divulging and merging paths that everyone has taken together. A visual of broadening perspectives and collaboration.